there is so much fuss about yoga all around?
last so many days this thought was not leaving my mind at all. Therefore I
wanted to share my views with you all.
it because yoga is an ancient practice which was originated in India when there
was no religion and everyone worships the nature considering the almighty?
Does bowing to
Sun belong to Hinduism?
I was a child and asked my elders, “What
do we mean by worshiping God?”
I was told that it was nothing else, but a way to thanks God for everything and asking God to shower his blessings on our dear ones and us.
I asked, “Who the God is?”
I was told that he is no one else, but the supreme power in form of different energies, which created us and providing us all the means to live on this earth.
I was told that he is no one else, but the supreme power in form of different energies, which created us and providing us all the means to live on this earth.
child mind never ends with a curiosity. While I was wondering HOW to ask
another question, it was clear on my puzzled face.
living organism on earth, for plants, animals, humans, birds and every living creatures
living on land and inside ocean gets energy to live from Sun no matter which
species and community you belongs to. Sun is the source of the immense power
for us!
is why every living creature thanks to Sun in different ways. Therefore, we too
worship Sun as God.
thanks the fire as AGNI in Sanskrit language, air as VAYU, water as VARUN, moon
as CHANDRA and other planets in our
solar system whose energies effect our life on earth. ” He explained.
thirst of curiosity was not quenched. I asked different people and found that
not only the Hindus, but other ancient mythologies in this world like Greek and Norse mythology, also worship the power of the nature.

Sun, the Moon, air, water has never discriminated between people of different
religion, but it was human who created this DISCRIMINATIONS in this world.
Then what is wrong in
thanking to the nature, the sun or the moon?
does not belongs to Hindus. Hindus like all other creatures in the
belongs to Sun!
is not a spiritual word rather it is a sound. But more than sound it
is the vibration of the universe.
It is a scientific, therapeutic, psychological which can be spoken by even a DUMB people. It is the frequency of energy, which connects and joins all things together.
It is a scientific, therapeutic, psychological which can be spoken by even a DUMB people. It is the frequency of energy, which connects and joins all things together.
OM represents three components A,U.M. The three divisions of
A – is the waking state
U – is the dream state
M – is the state of deep sleep
The vibration produced by chanting Om in the physical universe communicate to the original vibration that first arose at the time of creation.
The sound of Om is also called Pranava, which means that it sustains life and runs through Prana (breath).
A – is the waking state
U – is the dream state
M – is the state of deep sleep
The vibration produced by chanting Om in the physical universe communicate to the original vibration that first arose at the time of creation.
The sound of Om is also called Pranava, which means that it sustains life and runs through Prana (breath).
It is scientifically proven that singing OM has invaluable vibratory effects in our bodies, helps to achieve slow, regular and complete exhalation, aids to control and relax our breathing system and has several soothing effects in our minds. And this is the reason Om is being recite during the meditation and performing the yoga.
There have been several theories behind the OM. Among them,
the most popular explanation is that it was the cosmic sound, which initiated
the creation of universe, the big bang theory.
Om does not belongs to Hindus. The Hindus like all other creatures
in the universe, belongs to Om!
And it is true that religions originated from the land of India follows this.
And it is true that religions originated from the land of India follows this.
Does Sanskrit belongs to Hindus ?
Sanskrit is an ancient language of India. Hinduism is being
followed in India used this language to communicate and for writing their
And so does the Islam originated in Arabs used the Arabic
language and thus all other religions originated in different parts of the
world used the communication language which was in the land of their origin.
When their followers spread in other parts of the world, they
communicate in the language they knew and thus the language of a REGION became
language of the RELIGION originated from that region.
Does calling Ishwara in
Sanskrit, Allah in Arabic, God in English changes the supreme power by the
language we communicate. Does the almighty really have a different language for
different religion?
If a man worships the supreme power in English, Arabic and
Hindi, the three different almighty will respond each time?
Sanskrit does not belong to Hindus. Hindus belongs to Sanskrit
Does Scarf belong to Muslim girls?

Then should Hindu priest put ban on Hindu girls wearing scarf
considering it as the symbol of Islam?

As the people in most part of India have different dresses
for the daughters (no matter married or unmarried)of the house and different
for the daughter –in- law of the same age at home. Does the dress change the
feminism after marriage? Or is it to mark her as a girl immigrate from different
Chicken | Pork |Beef
According to Hindu mythology, God is there in every living
creature. God Vishnu incarnated upon
earth first as a fish.
Then why there is no objection in killing Hen, Goats, Fish (the most sacred aquatic life in Hinduism) and other animals?
Then why there is no objection in killing Hen, Goats, Fish (the most sacred aquatic life in Hinduism) and other animals?
Be a human
being and follow the humanity. It will not be an obstacle in being a loyal
citizen of a country or a loyal follower of a religion.
Yoga, Om
and Sun is for every human being. Let’s all make these part of our healthy and prosperous
Let’s all celebrate this International Yoga Day this June 21st
proudly as a human being!